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Almond Roca

2 cups sprouted almonds
½ cup dried, shredded coconut (always dry coconut yourself in a dehydrator as the dried coconut that you can purchase, even in health stores, has been bleached and pasteurized)
1/4 cup raw wildflower honey
1/2 vanilla bean, ground

  1. Put all the ingredients, except coconut, into a food processor and process until mixture holds together.
  2. Transfer to a bowl, add in the shredded coconut, and blend will by hand.
  3. Form into small ball shapes, and refrigerate.  These are very delicious!

Makes 1 dozen.  Keeps up to 2 weeks in the refrigerator.
Variation: Instead of honey, use soaked raisins to taste. (Soak raisins for 24 hours in filtered water.)


Raspberry FarppeRaspberry Frappé

2 cups frozen raspberries
3 frozen bananas
2 tbsp. raw honey blended with a little water


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