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I only want one session.


Pot and Scroll Only One!


It is really tuff as a therapist, to schedule only one session for a client. In most cases people have uncomfortable reactions after just 1st colonic. This is due to an incomplete detox process. Doing only one session could leave the client experiencing an incomplete detox process which could result in bloating, gas and discomfort as the body tries to complete a detox.  It is better to schedule at least 2 session back to back, in order to complete at least the minimum detox. 

Doing 4 sessions is far better because you work with the body as it tries to detox itself.  Remember, it isn't just the colon that is detoxing, it is all the major organs including the brain and even the skin that are participating   

The other reason to schedule more than one session is because this work isn't just about getting "stuff" out, it is about; connecting with your body; making changes; learning what you can do to help yourself live a better fuller richer life.  It is like going to a movie and only watching the 1st 10 minutes of it then leaving.  Or deciding to drive to Kansas then stopping in Tahoe, thinking you went as far as you needed to. Doing more to help your body heal is a journey that will take you further than you can imagine. 

Most people don't release much on the 1st visit. Colon Hydrotherapy is a process it is not a quick fix. Our therapist will encourage you to consider a series of no less than 4 sessions done within 5 days. But the choice is always yours. 

If you are interested in a more thorough cleans consider a series of 12. You will do 4 sessions a week for 3 weeks.


Think of it like this.  You just served lasagna for dinner. Everyone has loved it. Now the empty dish has been setting in the oven for a few hours before its time to clean up the kitchen and do the dishes.  How do most people clean a lasagna pan?  No you don’t just throw it out? Anyone who has even cleaned a Pyrex dish with food baked onto it, knows that you have to soak and scrape to loosen and remove that food. You get as much stuff off the dish as you can and then you put water and soap in the dish leave it overnight and come back to it the next day. 

Depending on the amount baked on food, it may take a week of soaking and scrubbing before you get that dish clean. Does anyone take that dish do a little scrubbing then put it back into the oven?  Get the picture?   The colon is the same. Your colon is like a lasagna pan.  And how long has fecal matter been setting in your colon and cooking? Not doing multiple sessions in a row is like starting to clean the dish and instead you put it back in the oven where the food will get baked back on. How much baked on fecal matter is in your colon?  Something to think about.


Another example as to why we do more than one session is:

Pot of Beans

Say you have a pot of cooked chili beans on the counter and they have been sitting there for about a month.  What happens when you take the lid off and stir the liquid? Can you imagine that this has been fermenting and spoiling and full of gasses? You put the lid back on and set it back on the counter.  What do you think is going on inside that pot?  The gasses are churning and stirring and wanting to escape.  

That is what happens to the colon. What if, you took that pot of beans stirred them up then dumped them out? Then cleaned out the pot?  This is what it is like having 2 sessions back to back. Does your therapist let you only do one session? Do you feel bloated after? Are you getting a good release? Did you just take the lid off that pot of beans stir it up and put the lid back on?  

Maybe you should consider doing a few more sessions.     Hum?

Happy Cleansing
Internal Awareness

: )

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