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Hi Gayle,

Wanted to drop you a line and let ya know about my experience with this Juice Fasting I've been doing. Today is day 23. I've had good energy pretty much the whole time, getting caught up on a lot of things I had let slide, (I'm getting organized!)

Those nasty patches of Psoriasis on my elbows are clearing up and will soon be gone, (this has been a condition I've had for 4-5 years) My body moves better, I'm lighter on my feet, I have more discipline in general and am much more consistent in practicing meditation and stretching (yoga).

On top of all this I will be celebrating one year of sobriety tomorrow. Also have about 11 month's since my last cigarette. Life is pretty good. I just wanted to let you know I couldn't have done it without all your help.


My response to Loren was:

I am so proud of what you have done for yourself; however, I am not the one who did it. You are.

You chose a path, you stuck to it, and you faced your demons, and got your life back. If you want to give anyone credit, give it to God.

He and you have worked together though all of this. You have taken the "high road"; not many people can do that.

You are an exception.All I did was give you a little guidance, but you are the one who listened and made changes.

"When the student is ready the teacher appears." God was your teacher. You have touched my heart, as I have watched you go through these changes.

You should be so very proud of yourself and your relationship with your body and your Creator.I love you, but more important, you love yourself. That is the blessing and the gift in all that you have done.

You love yourself.


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